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News & Features


I had the opportunity of being interviewed by different news agencies. Please click on the photo to read the article or watch the video. I am very grateful that my efforts and hardwork are noticed. Remember though that as I take this slimey journey, the best part is not having the material rewards, but the learnings I am getting.

I love that I have this chance to share with you my passion and love for slimes and doing business.


Grateful for the opportunities with these lovely people from The Project NZ at Three; Sundays at RNZ with Wallace Chapman; and with Si & Gary of More FM


I also like to thank organisations like the Museum of Technology and Transport (MOTAT), Sky City Markets and other others for inviting me in their events and continuing support.

Slime Princess NZ Harold interview
Wendyl Nissen Lunch and Slime Princess
Kiwis obsessed with making slime in 2017
Slime Princess, News article
Slime Princess streching slime
Slime Princess NZ Harold
Slime Princess streching slime
Slime Princess with Whatnow host
Slime Princess with Whatnow host
Slime Princess with Whatnow host
Slime Princess at Whatnow
Slime Princess Whatnow Slime
Slime Princess at Whatnow
Slime Princess and Seven Sharp
Slime Princess with the Breakfast hosts
Slime Princess front cover of NZ Harold
Slime Princess with Kanoa from The Project NZ
Slime Princess with Jeremy Corbett from The Project NZ
Slime Princess with Jackie from The Project NZ
Slime Princess with Wallace from The Project NZ
Slime Princess with Wallace Chapman
Si & Gary

Click on photo to read or watch the stories

An excerpt from a news article about Slime Princess, Katharina Weischede and Meghan Markle
Picture of Slime Princess with an umbrella
Slime Princess and The Project NZ hosts
Newspaper with Slime Princess on front cover
Slime Princess and Breakfast show hosts
Slime Princess  Logo.jpg

Simply thankful for the support of the media. Special thanks to NZ Herald, Seven Sharp, Project NZ, Breakfast, Stuff NZ and many others.

Slime Princess Selling Slime
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